LLI The Lenart Leadership Institute
Competence center for Leaders
and employees
Europe - United Kingdom - United States - Canada
Starting this Fall
LLI The Lenart Leadership Institute
Competence center for Leaders
and employees
Europe - United Kingdom -
United States - Canada
Starting this Fall
Logotherapy training to become a certified executive coach
Advanced skills training for leadership (according to Viktor Frankl's meaning-centered existential analysis)
As a certified coach for personal development, you will accompany people professionally in their problem and decision-making situations. The training helps to make stressful or difficult-to-manage situations easier, to change them and to find a solution. It supports individuals, teams and groups in developing solutions. The certified personality coach focuses on holistic coaching of body, mind and soul.
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
Viktor Frankl
As a qualified coach for personal development, you provide professional support to people in problematic and decision-making situations. The training helps to make stressful or difficult to manage situations easier, to change them and to find a solution. It supports individuals, couples, families, teams and groups in developing solutions. The certified personality coach focuses on holistic coaching of body, mind and soul.
This training course will provide you with a huge repertoire of knowledge. An incredible pool of experience and information can be absorbed, which will prepare you perfectly for coaching and training! You can complete the Coaching & Trainer course alongside your current job in a time-efficient way. In addition to the online lectures, you have the opportunity to attend live calls to ask your personal questions and learn practical tools.
The training is like being in a training center, except that you save a lot of time and money by eliminating travel, hotel accommodation and meals. At the same time, questions can be asked and group work can be carried out in breakout rooms. Despite the online course, there is a real group dynamic.
This training enables you to become a competence trainer & coach for personality! This training course places great emphasis on practical excellence so that you can lead, manage and coach your managers and employees with excellence.
Would you like to set up your own business as a trainer in Europe, UK, USA or Canada? In this course you will learn the skills you need to do so. Please clarify what you need to register your business in the country you come from.
Do you have leadership tasks that you carry out, but see that you lack the necessary tools? This course is perfect for you so that you no longer just lead by feelings, but can take real action to bring about change.
Coaching & training is a self-employed profession. A trainer or a coach is usually allowed to open their own practice. However, you can also work for companies or in social networks. A coach may work in personality counselling, as well as in family and couples counselling. Please enquire in your respective home country about the country's regulations regarding the trade.
Some examples in personality training:
Personality coaching
Communication consulting
Mental coaching
Creativity coaching
Coaching for employees
conflict management
Crisis intervention
Burnout counselling
Work Life Balance
Team development
Time management
Top experienced main trainer
Exercises in small groups and breakout rooms
Personal growth & reflection
Practice-oriented training
Expansion of the method toolbox
Learning how to conduct conversations
Application in case studies
Personal assessment
Individual and group self-awareness
Competence training centre in Upper Austria, UK and USA
Team development in peer groups
Holistic approach (body, mind, soul)
Free of any esotericism
The basic training takes place online. If you have booked package 2, there will be practical training days in USA as well. Accommodation and food is not included in package 2.
Prof. Dr. Viktor Frankl, founder of logotherapy, as well as Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Lukas, Frankl's most famous student, both incorporate faith into logotherapy. Christian ideas can therefore be recognized in the training. Membership of a church is not necessary, but tolerance and openness towards Christian ideas are.
Viktor Frankl is the founder of logotherapy and existential analysis. Kris Lenart was trained by the most famous student of Viktor Frankl, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Lukas, and was authorized by her to teach this method. Not many people have this authorization and it guarantees Frankl's original teaching. One focus of the training is learning logotherapy.
In many federal states there is the possibility of subsidies or education accounts. As this information varies from state to state, we ask you to clarify this directly with the respective authority. Please enquire at various offices regarding educational grants. The funding agencies must be contacted DIRECTLY. If you are self-employed, you can obtain the necessary information on tax deductibility from your tax advisor.
You will graduate as a qualified coach and qualified mental trainer. The focus of the training is logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl's meaning-centered existential analysis. Furthermore, this training entitles you to use the following title: (Please check with the trade department in your home country!)
Diplom Coach for executives
Diploma Mental Trainer
Dipl. Coach & Mental Trainer
With the emphasis in Logotherapy
16 - 24 months (depending on personal speed)
Costs for the pure online training:
$ 9,735 incl. VAT ($ 8,112 excl. VAT)
Costs for online training + practice incl. diploma:
$ 16,175 incl. VAT ($ 13,479 excl. VAT)
Introductory price !!!
Registration fee:
$ 350 incl. VAT

As coaching is an extremely responsible activity, certain personal and professional requirements must be met! Further training to become a qualified coach with a final examination and diploma usually takes up to 2 years. Compared to other curricula, the advanced training to become a Diplom Coach is exceptionally good. It provides an enormously effective foundation for prospective coaches, all the necessary skills in a manageable time and at 100% calculable costs. In addition to the learning content, there are a lot of practical skills to learn!
Coaching is the ability to accompany people on their way.
It supports clients in finding their own solutions and achieving their goals. The training enables you to look at challenging professional and private situations in a new way and thus to reshape them.
The basis of the training is logotherapy according to Viktor Frankl and Elisabeth Lukas, which helps people to develop practical solutions in the shortest possible time. People are empowered to see meaning in their lives and receive an inner turbo to implement their ideas for action in just a few hours.
At the heart of your coaching training is high-altitude psychology, which places clear trust in the strengths and resources of your clients. In your coaching training, you will receive both experience-based components and theoretical background so that you can practically integrate your craft into everyday life.
The coaching training includes lots of practice for personal life coaching and business coaching. You will receive a huge selection of practical tools for personal development and self-reflection.
You will learn the theory of logotherapy through the online training videos, which are taught in an extensive and stimulating way. The Zoom meetings are primarily used for exchange and active learning.
In addition to the main content components, you will also develop a coaching intuition that will help you and your clients to crystallize your unique genius.
Major topics in the training course (PAKET 1):
The basics of COACHING and counseling
Superpower: Attitude modulation
The dissolution of destructive beliefs
Motivation for meaning and value fulfillment
Victim roles and shaper positions
Coaching to the goal despite obstacles
Couple coaching: The fine art of coaching
Holistic approaches to coaching (body, mind and soul)
Successfully coaching burnout clients
Emotional coaching in crises
The ability to coach through fear
Coaching in the context of loss, suffering and illness
Coaching topic "reset": Practical new beginnings
Method kit for activating groups and individuals
Communication booster for coaching clients
Major topics in practical training (PAKET 1+2):
Practical application of coaching
Practically practicing, learning and using a toolbox of methods
Practical application of team-building measures
Practical application of the NVC method
Practical application of the KVT method
Practical application of couples counseling
Practical application of mediation
Practical application of communication & rhetoric
Practical case discussions (supervision)
Practical group self-awareness (incl. coaching with horse experience)
5 levels of logo counseling
PARTICIPATION - Prerequisite
- 21 years of age or older
- Completed school or vocational training
- Curriculum vitae
Degree without diploma:
You can simply do the online logo course for yourself. If you complete the online course, you will receive a seminar confirmation: "Successfully completed the online logotherapy course."
COMPLETION REQUIREMENT if you want to receive a DIPLOM:
- Completion of all online training units
- Participation in practical training days (20 days)
- Positive exams (2 exams in total)
- Writing the autobiography (10 units)
- Completion of the autobiography review (20 units)
- Proof of professional activities
- Diploma thesis (approx. 20 pages) on your own favorite topic
- Letter of recommendation (course director)
- Full course payment
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY (to be organized by yourself)
- At least 70 logged counseling units
- At least 70 hours of internship or tandem coaching (additional costs possible depending on the type and location of the internship!)
- At least 70 hours of written literature study
- At least 5h presentation of the literature study
The course must be paid for in full, even if the participant decides to cancel the course.
Payment and cancellation conditions
Cancellation policy
Cancellation after registration is not possible!
Refund of the registration fee is not possible in case of cancellation.
Cancellation of the course during the course: No cancellation option! If necessary, please take out cancellation insurance yourself!
The general terms and conditions of the Lenart Leadership Institute apply (see under GTC)
Application form
- Application: Registration directly via the institute only possible for full payers. Elopage is the registration option for installment payments!
Terms of payment
- For direct registration via the institute, the invoice applies. Registration fee and amount payable ONLY after receipt of invoice.
Get a detailed insight into what you will learn in the training
Choose your training course:
(Various payment options possible - here are some examples)
24 months
(incl. VAT)
Package 1

24 months
(incl. VAT)
Package 2 (Package 1 included!)
VIP training
24 months
(incl. VAT)
Package 3 (Package 1+2 included!)
24 months
(incl. VAT)
Package 1
24 months
(incl. VAT)
Package 2 (Package 1 included!)
VIP training
24 months
(incl. VAT)
Package 3 (Package 1+2 included!)
LLI Lenart Leadership Institut
Competence center for leaders and employees
Europe - United Kingdom - United States - Canada